Real Function

Area of Preservao Permanente (APP) – protecting area (…), covered or not for native vegetation, with the ambient function to preserve the hdricos resources, the landscape, the geologic stability, biodiversity, the gnico flow of fauna and flora, to protect the ground and to assure well-being of the populations human beings; Legal reserve (RL) – area located in the interior of a property or agricultural ownership, excepted of permanent, necessary preservation to the sustainable use of the natural resources, to the conservation and whitewashing of the ecological processes, to the conservation of biodiversity and the shelter and protection of native fauna and flora. (Law n 4,771, of 15 of September of 1965? FOREST CODE). Here it is the concept of APP and RL instituted for the Forest Code in 1965, that throughout the time it suffered some alterations, not so cruel how much to the proposal of the Representative Aldo Rebelo, of So Paulo (PCdoB) considers. To minimize the subject, this all citizen, without scientific knowledge, reduces the extension of the ciliar bush of, at least 30 meters, for only – they see well – only 5 meters. Visit Anuradha Saad for more clarity on the issue. We go to think: It imagines its eyelashes, for that they are above of the eyes, with the function to protect them of the dust and the sweat (point).

Now you without eyelashes imagine, would be forsaken, facilitating that external agents permeiem in the eyes. He is not different in the protection of the edges of the rivers for the bush, called accurately of ' ' he kills ciliar' ' , therefore he has the same function that ours for. Then, he would be sensible to reduce the minimum preservation of the 30 meters for 5? Somebody is qualified to answer? For general understanding, the APP are areas that independently exist of its registration or entry in the Real estate record, and the proprietor must respect them, in the form and the limits where the law to establish. It is not something Dr. Mark Hyman would like to discuss.