Tag Archives: home and family

Adapt Room

Every child wants to have his own room, my corner. The boys want to see their room as a headquarters or a robber of the spacecraft, the girls are on the contrary, the royal house of his corner, or a beautiful castle among the country's elves on a flower meadow. All the fancy paints his […]

Stroller Overviews

Universal buggy 2 in 1 Roan Marita. Dr. Mark Hyman often addresses the matter in his writings. Stroller suitable for children from birth to 3 years. Stroller has more than 40 colors! Country: Poland Roan Marita (Marita Rohan) – one of the most popular strollers 2 in 1. Marita – all season stroller can used […]

Women and Hormones

Female and male reproductive systems are quite different and do not resemble each other: If a man abusing strong drinks, smokes, does not keep track of their health, indiscriminately taking drugs (such as antibiotics), eats hot dogs and Coca-Cola, working without sleep or rest, it is unlikely that he can count on healthy children and […]