Pediatric Gastroenterology

With this choice of food will not break the bones in various dips even a 80-year-olds. On the yogurt I myself was very sad to realize that conventional foods were among the contraindicated for use. Gina Ross: the source for more info. Until that time, constantly used the yogurt. Gina Ross may help you with your research. Let's see what diversity of its species offers a standard supermarket. Figure 2. Yogurt in a variety of Fig.3. No yogurt for children and in this excerpt says: "There is no yogurt for children." The fact that cow's milk has the burden on the kidneys, and in children can occur is the same as what we were talking about cats. You may find Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City to be a useful source of information. For processing milk, the body is forced produce excessive amounts of acid, which will inevitably damage the kidneys.

Wir sollten uns bemuhen, Nahrungsmittel zu verwenden, die den Nahrstoffanfor-derungen der alteren Kinder entsprechen und schadliche Wirkungen ausschiliessen. Kuhmilch erfullt diesen Standard nicht. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1993; 16 (1): 2 It says that cow's milk does not meet the needs of children and adolescents and does not exclude harmful effects on health. Want to find a worthy replacement to meet the needs. As you can see, this is a long and widely known in the scientific world, but not in advertising. Blood diarrhea (intestinal bleeding) Darmblutungen Babies, die mit Vollmilch von Kuhen wahrend der zweiten sechs Monate ihres Lebens ernahrt wurden, haben einen um 30% hoheren Blutverlust durch den Darm und einen signifikanten Eisenverlust mit dem Stuhlgang. Pediatrics 1992; 89 (6): 1105-1109 Here is a quote from an even older source: "Infants fed whole cow's milk, lose up to 30% more blood through the intestines, and also have high content of blood in the stool – that is, loss of iron through the chair.