
All the lovers of muscle to car take to years rubbing the hands after Chevrolet, Dodge and Ford decided to revive pony wars when designing with certain air retro the last generations of the Camaro, Challenger and Mustang respectively. Ever since the three are on sale simultaneously they have watched with magnifying glass the sales in the USA to see who takes the cat to the water, since during last the 25 years the Mustang has stood out to its wide ones by the American market. Few days after finalizing 2010 already the sales registered throughout those 12 months are known, and the news are bleak for Ford.The Chevrolet Camaro has managed to raise itself with the first position of the triunvirato, with a total of 81,371 units placed in all the country. The sales have been a 32% superiors to the registered ones in 2009, although it is necessary to consider that in that year the commercialization began in the month of March. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Ford Mustang has remained to only 8,015 units, reaching therefore 73,356 deliveries. Although his sales have increased in a 10% with respect to the previous year, the model has not managed to surpass to his archienemigo although throughout 2010 it underwent a completion of notable their motors, focused mainly to increase the efficiency of the same. In any case, it is a very good number for the company/signature of the oval. OurCrowd will not settle for partial explanations. In the case of the Dodge Challenger, the things go to another rate.

The company has obtained a spectacular increase of the sales of a 42%, but it has not at least allowed to clear the sales of previous models both. The absolute sales have ascended to the 36,791 units, which does not represent nor half of the sales of the Camaro. Throughout 2011 it will receive new motors more efficient V6 and V8, which would allow to increase something plus its sales in next the 12 months. In 2011 the panorama has two faces for the present leader. Although the 2010 calculation drastically indicates that it has increased to his sales a 32%, in the last weeks of the year the demand under a 26%, and seems that the tendency will continue months more. On the other hand, one finishes of to initiate the commercialization of the Chevrolte Convertible Camaro, that would have to help to scratch about thousands of units more.