The Fall

Caologia, a new social science start this epistemological approach with the words of Briggs and Peat 14 scientific chaos refers to an underlying interconnect that manifests itself in seemingly random events. The science of chaos focuses on hidden models, in the nuances, in the sensitivity of things and in the rules about how the unpredictability leads to new … Scientific culture that one hundred years dominates us each time with greater intensity some would say that we are even their prisoners sees the world in terms of analysis, quantification, symmetry and mechanisms. Chaos allows us to free ourselves from such limitations. If we can appreciate the chaos, we can begin to see the world as a stream of animated models with sudden turns … the idea is applied from medicine and the economy, until the war, social dynamics, or theories on how they are formed and change organizations. Chaos is ceasing to be a scientific theory to become a cultural metaphor. In terms of metaphor, the chaos encourages us to question some of our most cherished beliefs and urges us to ask questions about reality.

For one increasingly larger number of people, the world is perceived as a place where chaos is growing and this has increased along with the increase in the rhythm of the pace of change. For others, chaos does not exist and the chaos that manifests itself in things natural order, as in the fall, they perceive it as orderly and natural deterioration of the cycle of nature. But it is always possible to find the chaos within the order, but to do this we should inform our perception with new investigation of the environment or with a deeper knowledge of human nature, and thus, be able to perceive order within apparent chaos. The caologia emerges as a new discipline which, having as background the impressive development of quantum physics and its principle of indetermination or uncertainty, as well as mathematics that underlie it and emerge from it; It has experienced an accelerated development pose a series of knowledge that are beginning to be applied in diverse disciplines such as physics, biology, astronomy, geography, medicine and more recently in the social sciences.