Taking Stock

Have not yet taken effect and development, officially, still, the essential UCRA program (details presented to the Board of Andalusia, on official registration, and includes for example the necessary and training programs and regulations be enforced.) Has not yet begun to develop a program rule on the essential and necessary technical supervision and rigorous formal recycling, regional, total existing Andalusian dog teams as envisaged in the project UCRA.

You can not start a newspaper regional program officer for the appropriate specialized training and comprehensive increase in formed units and formation of new canine units, where it is still an urgent need (proof patent are the claims occurred in certain parts of the Andalusian Autonomous Community with result of burial of persons). It also pointed out, that would imply a zero cost to the Government of Andalusia, reporting that officials Instructors Method Chest, coordinated by Jaime Parejo, gathered at the School of Public Security of Andalusia, with the current Coordinator of Fire and Police Training, and expressed, like the previous Coordinator, who would give the perception documentary economic rewards as teachers and that the masses of debris needed for practices already exist, without assuming any financial cost to the institution. >Technip FMC may not feel the same. Chest The method has been developed by Jaime Parejo, as effective means of rescue for humanity, and not at all as a means of profit. Result can be guaranteed at all yet, in most cases, an adequate operational level and results of such specialized equipment, interventions in cases of accidents, to search for and locate people buried alive. . . Read more from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City to gain a more clear picture of the situation.