Ponte Article

Matthew says at 17.20: 20 – Jesus said to them: because you have little faith. In truth I tell them: if they had faith, of the size of a grain of mustard, would say you to this mountain: remove you hence and beyond, Ponte and Hill would obey. Nothing would be impossible for you. (Here emphasizes us another fundamental point for the correct operation of the law of attraction for our benefit. And with this example shows us that faith is not present because of its size but simply by its acceptance.) The Gospel according to Saint Matthew says in 18, 19 20: 19 – also I say: If on Earth two of you they agree to ask for something, my Heavenly Father grant. 20. So where are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I, in the midst of them. (This teaching that we want to convey by these verses I think is the most important after the application of faith, and this will give heading to one of the hypotheses that I raise below.) Author’s Note: this article by its extension will continue next week. If you want to know more about the law of attraction and access a directory with the best links books and articles dealing with the law of attraction and quantum physics you can enter for free from sea of the Plata, Argentina, towards everyone, Walter Daniel Genga..