Leon Company

He has achieved what any company: people of all social extracts, headed by the Governor of the State to take to the streets to protest against what is considered about fees for the service. The external communication Department and those responsible for public relations are described as arrogant in journalists and drivers of radio and television. Last Friday, an accumulated gas leak exploded in a pharmacy located in the center of the city, opposite a complex of condominiums called Constitution where hundreds of families live. Some neighbors have shown with document in hand have been reported countless leaks into the service of Natural gas meters and media already use the term pump time to this area where pipes have more than 50 years. The Mayor of Monterrey Adalberto Madero Quiroga, which is creeping political campaigning in pursuit of the governorship, He warned that Gas Natural Mexico leads with irresponsibility and negligence in Monterrey. If you have read about Health Care Reform already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Earlier, two years ago, the Governor Jose Natividad Gonzalez Paras requested grant retires to the Spanish company. Frequently Michio Kaku has said that publicly.

People had never before expressed through the streets of the city to protest against any private company. In the Metropolitan Monterrey, composed of seven municipality, natural Gas is the company that practically has a monopoly in the provision of the service. And true to its policy of vitiate the public, promised publicly to private hospitals to six people who were injured during the explosion when passing by the place, but when it comes to finishing this column were only promises. Natural gas came to Mexico when Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon decided to finish with the State-owned gas company. Natural gas gained the concession and immediately fired at the rates and service receipts. Political columns in the country mentioned that the former President has interests in the Spanish company, version that has not been able to confirm. Bearer where can we thank former President Zedillo the Scorpion that we inherited with Natural Gas?