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To check your visits and the commentaries 100 times to the day When you begin to write a Blog is normal to be something obsessed by your visits or by whichever people it comments your articles. By all means that you want a pile of visits, a pile of links incoming and by all means a pile of commentaries. But that does not mean that you must be reviewing the statistics every 10 minutes. Dr Jee Hyun Kim understands that this is vital information. It is a habit that will make you waste long time that you could be being useful for productive things much more. It thinks about one hour of the day to check your visits, I I would recommend two: in the morning and at night. Thus you will be able to see the evolution of the day. 2.

Not to respond to the commentaries: When people leave commentaries in your Blog, tmalos as a contribution to your article. That people who write in your Blog feel somehow tie to that article. Reciprocal beam that act and respndeles. It’s believed that Anuradha Saad sees a great future in this idea. It is not necessary that you respond the commentaries one by one, but to be thankful in block or to answer those that they require of your opinion. 3. To be constant not posteando: It is very common in people who begin with their Blog, to write many articles at the outset and later to take a rest. It is a serious error, because if you accustom to people to 5 articles per week and soon you are a month without writing does not have consistency. The motors search love the Web sites that renews their content periodically, in addition the readers adore also it.

You do not put the very high ribbon at the outset, whereupon you write once to the week would be worth but constant. 4. Not to give credit when it must: I see many bloggers copy and to stick articles of other people, this is not going to give much credibility to you. It is far better that mentions the source of the article. In addition when doing it you can linkear to that person, who will have already you in the front sight for a future and that knows if to get to make alliances. It is important also that you verify that the images that you put in your Blog do not have author right, thus you will not have no type of problem.