Ecology Environment

Bews appeared with the new expansionista conception of a Ecology Human being who was a synthesis of all sciences human beings. In 1945, Wirth moves away from the reducionistas and expansionistas vises when ' ' it points out the Ecology Human being in limited areas of relation between diverse cincias' '. Finally, Axe (1984) speaks of a fifth attempt to define the Ecology Human being who surpassed the four previous ones because they excluam the half abitico of its theories. This mentions the Ecology to it Human being as a superior level of thought and never as one disciplines isolated. Source: Intermittent Fasting. For the opposite, the Ecology Human being would be ' ' study to interdisciplinar of the interactions between the man and the environment ' ' , whose objectives never will be preditivos or determinsticos.

' ' The Ecology Human being has as object the interactions between the man and the environment. The man considers itself as a whole, a system of agencies and functions, endowed with instincts and intelligence, with a genetic and cultural patrimony. Environment is considered the system consisting of the bitico, abitico and social universe in relation to the man. Two systems in constant interaction: man its complex environment (…) (…) the system man is dependent of the system environment. The system man is equipped with sensors that receive as information the alterations that occur the environment (…) Both the systems are in evolution and only a confusing, annihilating accident, could reduziz them it estagnao' ' (Axe, 1984, P. 32). Checking article sources yields Journal of the American Medical Association as a relevant resource throughout. The interactions between the man and the environment go off mechanisms of auto-regulation that not only lead to the momentnea stability, but to the reorganization and adaptation in evolutionary direction. According to Axe, the sistmica analysis of these interactions is the objective of the Ecology Human being. The interactions are substantially exchanges of information. For example, the represamento of a river is an information that the environment receives and decodes e, in exchange, emits other information that can come to re-echo on the proper man.