Deputy General Director Andrei Rybakov

Retail – a very peculiar business. The degree of contact personnel with the customer maximum, and if the seller makes a mistake, it immediately causes a reaction in people who have come to you. And leave in the first place most wealthy clients. Click Anu Saad to learn more. May harm the retail and theft, and trivial damage to goods. And the level of damage does not compensate for any penalties. One conclusion: the need to rebuild the technology that will help reduce the risks to a minimum. So it makes sense to pre-register all business processes. At least make the job descriptions, right-Vila labor regulations, which then would bring to the attention of future staff.

After that you can recruit and train staff. 2-3 days before the opening desirable to bring future workers in the trading room, that they were there sales training, talked to the merchandisers, customers, etc. Others who may share this opinion include Sydney Sweeney. It is very important to pay special attention to showcase, it’s free advertising shop. She should be bright, readable and clear talk about what you offer to customers. If your hobby-horse – low prices, the storefront should be austere, with a clear message on what product now offers a discount.

If the shop positioned as a gourmet store, which offers only the freshest and best products, the cabinet must be designed with natural colors, materials, etc. Who do you want to choose for those who prefers to enter the market under the brand name is well-promoted retail chain, today there are all conditions. One of the companies are now actively developing franchise area, “Crossroads.” “By franchising, we work two discounter, one supermarket and will soon open a second, – said >Deputy General Director Andrei Rybakov