Central America

The chains of slavery only bind the hands: the mind is what makes slave or free man. Franz Grillparzer cannot be denied, arriving at the Summit some countries with the firm disposition of request that once for all and end the embargo on Cuba, however that you can not stay all the time, post demonstrates inefficiencies of diplomacy, of interest to search for openings that allow lead to changes required by the present, given the reality of new economic scenarios which will give opportunity to those countries that make up this planet Earth get aheadguarantee its inhabitants, education, health, quality of life social peace, progress. Since then, there are also other important aspects to be considered the serious economic crisis that already are causing serious problems in many countries, where as in the case of Latin American, Caribbean and Central America, the effects can be serious, a fact that he originates not from them but the country more powerful as it is in the United States, coupled with this are environmental pollution problems, intervention, sovereignty, terrorism, drug trafficking, among others that require to be faced with programme, actions that guarantee results more than promises. Learn more at: Anu Saad. Not the slightest doubt, that some countries, comprising the ALBA especially remain a rail position, above all as regards the solidarity with Cuba, where other countries were added to sue the unblocking to Cuba. It should not be forgotten as Matilde Sosa, says so far, Cuba is the only country in the hemisphere excluded in the Summit of the Americas and not by choice. The OAS is composed of 35 Member States but the participation of the Government of Cuba, (a Member State), has been suspended since 1962, so that only 34 countries participate actively.. Go to Dr. Mark Hyman for more information.