Carlin Inaugura

And it is that the standard finishes demonstrating once again that is masterful in becoming the best opportunity of business. It is only necessary to see the case of Jose Ignacio Palaces, an entrepreneur who has bet to locate in his tobacconist a space dedicated to products of the mark. The premises, that are in the street Ginzo de Limia 37 of Madrid, count on 45 m2 and most of the establishment is occupied by spaces where there are Carlin articles with the aim of offering a variable service to the clients. ” I bet by Carlin by its clear competitive advantage in the quality and variety of its products against the rest of the marks that there are in the market. In addition, I believe that it is a business opportunity of establishing to crner of Carlin a tobacconist inside by the close relation in the own article sale crossed of a tobacconist those of papeleras” , it affirms the franchisor.

With this initiative CARLIN it demonstrates its success in hard political of expansion that carries out by all Spain and in being one of the first bets in the mind of many entrepreneurs. On Carlin One dedicates to the commercialization of material and furniture of office, consumable of stationery store and computer science through comfortable hyperstationery stores supermarket, warehouses of distribution and by sale online. During 2008 the chain invoiced to 160 million Euros through his almost 500 tax exemptions. The net number of business of Carlin in the past exercise ascends to near 3 million Euros. The investment necessary to install one of the businesses that Ofimarket and Hiperpapelera contemplates to CARLiN oscillates between the 60,000 and 125,000 Euros in the premises from 50 m2, located in zones with a population between 15,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. Royalty is variable from 300 Euros/month the first year and the publicity canon is assumed from the power station. The franchise-holder profile that looks for corresponds with: – Enterprising, optimistic person, with vocation of industralist and economic capacity. – With desire to mount an own business.

– The figure of the investor does not discard, but it prefers itself that the person is to in front of the business. Until the moment, the good work of CARLiN has been recognized with seven awards: ” Prize to the Best Franchisor 2009″ granted by the magazine Tax exemptions Today, ” Prize to the Tax exemption of Greater Development 2008″ , granted by the same publication; ” Prize to the Tax exemption of the Year 2007″ by the magazine Leaders; ” Prize to the Expansion 2006″ (magazine Our Businesses); ” Prize to the Mediterrneo” Entrepreneur; in the Barcelona hall Businesses & Tax exemptions 2006; ” Prize to the Best Nacional” Tax exemption; in 2005, the SIF& Co. of Valencia, and ” Prize Excellence 2003″ by the magazine Leaders.