Psychology School

In accordance with Teixeira (2003, p.03), the pertaining to school psychologist has as function the following activities: Comments of the pupils at different moments in order to get given on the development of each child during the bimaster; supervisions biweekly with professors to argue specific aspects of definitive pupils (behavior and lack of limits, over all); meetings with parents (anamnese of new pupils, meetings convoked for the school or the proper parents). It is preferable that the psychology professional works well in organized and qualified team, where involves action next to directors, professors, people who orientates and parents with intention to obtain conditions that favor the development of the personality of the pertaining to school and if not to limit to the diagnosis, the orientation and the therapeutical guiding of the difficult pupils and with problems. The pertaining to school psychologist directly acts with programs of hygiene and mental health, contributing for the improvement of the educative process and the ambient conditions that propitiate the development of the individuals in the society. The difficulty of insertion of this professional in the society can be considered a consequence of not the recognition of the parents of the pupils and the proper institution, although to have conscience of that it is not paper of a clinical psychologist to act in the pertaining to school problems: It enters the difficulties found for the insertion of pertaining to school psychology, standes out the unfamiliarity on the part of the parents and the institution how much to the effective paper of this professional. They know that the paper is not physician, but at the same time do not see the psychologist as a facilitador of the teach-learning relations. (TEIXEIRA, 2003, P. 03) In an interview made for the Periodical of the Unesp (2006), with a researcher, Silvia Parrat-Dayan and a professor of Psychology of the Education, Fernando Becker, had as quarrel the indiscipline in the pertaining to school scope, where both interviewed had entered in agreement that the increase of the pertaining to school indiscipline mentions the excess to it of permissibilidade of the parents stops with the children. .