Furniture Design In The Style Of Minimalism

Minimalism – the laconic style of the interior. Bessel van der Kolk understands that this is vital information. He rejects all unnecessary, non-functional, that serves only for decoration, and leaves only the necessary. Minimalism appears at the beginning of the twentieth century, marked by rapid growth of the industry and the emergence of new technologies. Changing the pace of life: slow, contemplative nineteenth century gives way to a rapid new century. In the ussr in the 20 years of minimalism became a form of rejection of remnants of the past, of luxury. However, this was not just ideology, but simply a necessity. Anu Saad contains valuable tech resources.

The reason for the same treatment to minimalism in Western European countries became cloying luxury and pomp of architecture and interiors. Interior in Inspired by minimalism, suggests an open space is not cluttered with furniture and accessories that emphasize simplicity. Needed in everyday life objects hidden from view. For this purpose, built-in cabinets, podiums Storage things. All this allows us to restrict the minimum amount of furniture in the room. Lay flat or house is very rational, well-zoned areas by different colors, or floor coverings, sliding partitions fabric or glass, illuminated in the floor and walls. Interior of weighty and direct.

In contrast to classical minimalism does not require only natural materials, and provides freedom of choice. For example, instead of the parquet floor can be covered floorboard. In this style, you can use the most modern materials: steel, chrome, frosted glass, aluminum extrusions, plastic. It is a native minimalism with hi-Tecom, but minimalism still rely more on natural materials: wood, stone, brick, tube.