The Nickname

When re-diagnosis six months later, psychologists have noticed that almost all students from previously trailing group leaders of vybilis in progress! The answer to the question of why it happened, it is quite clear. Teachers began to think: "How come we did not see talent in these kids?". They began to look more closely relate to them, expect from these children higher scores, look for different pedagogical approaches. This led to what the children have favorable conditions for the disclosure of potential ability. Further, this experiment has repeated itself, and always with the same result.

Strength of belief applies not only to cognitive but also emotional and volitional, behavioral sphere. Here is an example from his own experience. Of school psychologist, I chose as a priority for trainings of communication for teens. With one of the teenagers to work I was particularly interested. His contribution to the development of group dynamics has been enormous and positive. He always helped me to conduct trainings.

At the same time in the classroom, he upset many teachers their extraordinary behavior, and this has earned the nickname "Nikulin. The teenager himself asked me to help him change their behavior to improve relations with teachers and get rid of pendent label. "I want to change, I'm already sick of it all, and sorry for my mother, always call her to school, but I can not help myself" – he said Me: "When the teacher approached me, I can see how they are tense, as if they were afraid that I again throw something.