Skin Care

Microdermabrasion in salons. Microdermabrasion is a procedure carried out in beauty salons by dermatologists, involves the fact that it's fast, easy and convenient. This procedure favored women, worried about the first signs of skin aging, the following adverse effects of the sun and other defects in the skin. Gentle, non-abrasive surface of the skin the procedure does not cause discomfort, does not hurt the skin and does not require long-term then recovery. Typically, patients who underwent the procedure of microdermabrasion, observe a slight reddening of the skin, which passes within an hour after the procedure. In addition to the skin, microdermabrasion is used Skin Care in the neck and neck. Microdermabrasion at home.

For the procedure of microdermabrasion at home using the same aluminum oxide crystals that are used by dermatologists in professional salons. Aluminum oxide crystals are enclosed in a soft cream composition that allows you to independently control the process of exfoliation. Now women themselves say about their preferences: they want use funds, which action would be immediately noticeable. The company offers such a tool – System upgrade skin "Mikroderma" which meets the requirements of customers. Microdermabrasion procedure is recommended to so that: – a fresh new look tired or oily skin – reduce wrinkles and make pores less visible – to smooth out minor skin rash – to smooth out uneven pigmentation; – to soften acne scars – enhance the action of nutrients, applied after the procedure.